No. 3

 ...and box No. 3. Third box of the bundle I am currently making and made of Indian rosewood for the back and sides and red cedar for the top. I am very excited about this guitar because it is the first one I build with double sides. The sides are rosewood laminated with mahogany.
It also features a special X / lattice hybrid bracing which I am pretty excited about. 



  1. Hi Alexander. Jacob from Denmark here.. Im a hobby-luthier currently starting my 4th build and i´ve considered using a x-lattice-bracing, like the one you show in the picture above. Did you get any info on how to dimension the bracing from books or where did you learn it? It seems like all the high-profile builders, like yourself, is using this bracing system so there must be something about it :)

    Thanks in advance,



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