The Seagull

 This is the Seagull. Guitar #32 was finished back in 2021. During the time I did not share much about it. It was build as a side project in my head I called it my "sanity project" because it kept my spirit afloat during the pandemic lockdown. I wrote about this before so just to summarise it in one sentence I was working from home during that time, on my desk, and made 3 guitars partly and one guitar as a whole in that workspace. The one guitar build completely at my home is the Seagull. 

The concept for this guitar is worth explaining. It is a scaled down slopeshoulder dread with a 12 frets to the body joint and a short scale. A wide waisted parlor could be another describtion. I found this concept intriguing for a long time and was eager to try it. Tom Sands model S is based on that idea and it is where I have seen it for the first time. The idea of taking a comfortable short scale 12 fret guitar and giving it a much bigger air volume and therefore a much bigger sound by widening the waist is just utterly genious. It also helps to open up the sound, parlor guitars can easily be tight and boxy and the widening of the waist seems to make the sound and the response of the instrument wide open. It still is a very comfortable small guitar on your lap but with an impressive bass register. 

The spruce soundboard and Crelicam ebony back and sides provide a very clear tone with lots of substance, elegant with a slightly longer response time but lots of sustain.



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