Shoulder Update


It might be time for a shoulder update. And I took this photo because for maybe 2 or 3 weeks I can play the guitar like this again. At first very shortly but the time increases and now I am able to play comfortably for 10 Minutes and more. I'm getting there! This is a major step for me since I couldn't play comfortably since the beginning of october last year. By now I am fully aware that a lot of mobility in the shoulder is needed, not only the ability to move the shoulder and arm upwards but also the inward rotation. Which is something I am still struggling with and will do for a few more months. But I would say I am back at 70% mobility. 50% being pain free. And that's an enormous relief. Being able to move the shoulder and be pain free. Plus I am able to exercise a little and am slowly getting my strength back. Not using an entire arm for half a year makes you loose your strength dramatically even at 41 years old.
Hopefully I will be back at my job and have some workshop updates soon.
Here's to more guitar playing!!


  1. Would be incredible horrible, if I could not play guitar for a time of appr. one year. I wish you a very fast recovering so that you are able to play guitar as long as you want and furthermore to produce more wonderful guitars. Wish you the best!!

    1. Thank you very much for your kind wishes!


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