Karlijn Langendijk with the Fan Fret Semi Baritone

Sometimes a guitar takes its time to find the right home. My 2015 Fan Fret Semi Baritone stayed with me for more than 2 years. I build it without a commission but to try out different things I was interested about. I have kept it for myself at home most of the time.
But I took it to the International Guitarfestival in Freepsum this year to exhibit. There guitarist and composer Karlijn Langendijk got to play it and she made this guitar sing like no one else I have ever before heard playing it. Two months later she visited me in my shop and took it home. 
I am incredibly happy and proud that Karlijn now plays one of my instruments. I have been a huge fan of her playing and her music for so long! Hope it inspires you to write more beautiful music Karlijn!    



  1. Gut, dass sie endlich "weg" ist.... da muss ich jetzt nicht mehr "drumrum schleichen" wie die Katze um den heißen Brei..:)
    Ich kann ihre Wahl nur zu gut verstehen... war schon immer ein tolles Instrument, was sogar bei mir sehr gut klang..:)

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